Network Services

Network Services is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the data (wired and WIFI) and video networks, which includes the underground fiber and video cable plant.

Network Services is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the data (wired and WIFI) and video networks, which includes the underground fiber and video cable plant, the fiber and wiring plant for the data and video network in each building, and routers, switches, hubs, and various other network components. Network Services is also responsible for the design and implementation of data and video networks in new construction as well as renovations to existing facilities.

Other services include:

  • Providing and maintaining the university's connection to the Internet, Internet 2, and remote access services
  • Transport services for other departments in the university, such as the fiber circuits that are used by the Facilities Services Department for its energy management system
  • Operating the wide area network that ties together the uptown and medical campuses, the Primate Center, the development office, the Elmwood Campus, and a number of other remote sites that are affiliated with the university