Tulane email is hosted by Microsoft Office 365 in the Outlook application. To access your email, visit the appropriate Outlook web application below and use your Tulane email address and password to log in:
Your Email User ID and Password
Your email User ID is your Tulane University username with @tulane.edu added to the end. For example, if your Tulane University username is riptide, your email User ID is riptide@tulane.edu.
The password is the same password you use to access Gibson.
Tulane's password policy requires that Tulane passwords expire every 180 days. To reset your password, visit password.tulane.edu.
Do not reset your password from the email application.
- The password is case-sensitive.
- The password can contain uppercase letters and lowercase letters.
- The password can contain numbers.
- The password can contain the following ASCII text characters: ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = { } | [ ] \ : " ; ' < > ? , . /
- The minimum password length is 6 characters.
- The maximum password length is 16 characters.
- Cannot contain any of the following items:
- Spaces
- Non-English character
- Account name or part of your email address. For example, if the email address is riptide@tulane.edu, the password can't contain “tide” or "TIDE."
- The password can't contain the same word that is the answer to the Windows Live ID secret question that helps you reset your password if you forget it. For example, if the Windows Live ID secret question is Mother's birthplace, and “Seattle” is the answer, the password can't contain Seattle. This restriction isn't case-sensitive. Therefore, “SEATTLE” or “seattle” can't be used in the password.
How to Report Phishing, Junk or Non-Junk Emails
The Outlook Report Message add-in allows you to easily report phishing, junk or non-junk emails from your Tulane email account.
- Check if you are using the correct login link and username:
- Forgot your User ID? Contact the Tulane Service Desk.
- Reset your password even if you are certain that you're using the correct password.
- Close your browser window and reopen a new session before attempting to log in again. If you have Hotmail or another service linked with Microsoft, your browser may still be logged into that account. A new browser session should correct this issue.
- If you are still having problems, please contact the Tulane Service Desk.