User Account Policy

1.0 Purpose 

This policy defines how network accounts, which provide access to Tulane computer resources, are provisioned, and maintained for Tulane’s faculty, staff, and students. These services include, but are not limited to email, wireless, VPN and access to services such as Canvas or Banner. The usage of these services is provided for educational, academic, and administrative purposes, and must conform to all current Tulane policies and procedures. 


2.0 Account Type 

2.1 Employees 

Employees are entitled to one account, which will provide access to email and other systems. This account is automatically created when a new faculty or staff member is added to the University’s HR/Payroll system. Every employee will be entitled to one account/email address. Please contact your hiring manager so that the personal information for the new employee can be entered into the PeopleFlow system. 

Accounts for faculty who have left Tulane and are no longer employed will retain their user accounts in the system for 12 months after their termination date. 

Accounts for staff who have left Tulane and are no longer employed will lose access to their accounts at the end of the work day of their termination date. 

2.2 Students 

Student accounts are created once a student has been entered into Banner as a matriculated student. Every matriculated student will be entitled to one account and email address. Please contact the Admission Office so that the personal information for the new matriculated student can be entered into Banner. 

Student accounts expire one year after leaving the University. If the student has achieved Alumni status (12 credit hours acheived) they are entitled to a Tulane email address for life. 

2.3 Visiting Scholars or Professors 

Visiting Scholar accounts are created if they meet the appointment procedure specified here. Account requests must be submitted by the sponsoring department or unit. Account requests should have the approval of the Provost’s Office after all appointment criteria have been met. 

Visiting Scholars’ accounts will expire every 12 months; extensions, however, may be requested with the approval of the Provost’s Office. 

2.4 Contractors 

Contractors who require Tulane system access or a Tulane email address to perform work on behalf of Tulane are entitled to one account/email address. Account requests must be submitted to Information Technology (IT) by the department initiating the contract. Contractor accounts will expire every 12 months; however, extension can be requested by the department initiating the contract. Contractor’s accounts will be disabled as soon as they are flagged inactive in the system or when their expiration date has passed without a request for extension. 

2.5 Affiliated Personnel 

It is recognized that work requirements for those who are affiliated with Tulane, though not directly in its employ, may necessitate access to electronic service. Some of these affiliates are defined below: 

Affiliates with Faculty Status: 

  • non‐paid Adjunct Professors 
  • non‐paid Clinical Professors 
  • non‐paid Field Professors 

Affiliates with Faculty Status must be entered into Banner and assigned to a course. Account requests for them must be made through the Registrar’s Office. Affiliates with Faculty Status who have left Tulane will retain their user accounts in the system for 2 semesters. 

Affiliates with Non‐Faculty Status: 

  • non‐pay ROTC staff 
  • Community Volunteer on behalf of Tulane 
  • Religious staff 

Account requests for Affiliates with Non‐Faculty Status must be made through IT and must include a sponsor and the explanation of the need for an account. Affiliates without Faculty Status will expire every 12 months. This type of account will be disabled as soon as the user is flagged inactive in the system or when the expiration date has passed without a request for extension. 

2.6 Departmental and Organizational Accounts 

Departments and Organizations can request generic accounts so that they can have a common mailbox or distribution. Account requests must be submitted to IT by the Department Head or approved organization delegate. 


3.0 Email Privacy & Security 

While Tulane University does not regularly monitor the content of electronic mail, the University reserves the right to inspect, monitor, copy, store, or disclose the contents of electronic mail messages as it sees fit. 

Users may not perform acts that waste Messaging System resources or unfairly monopolize resources to the exclusion of others. These acts include, but are not limited to, sending non‐work‐related mass mailings and chain letters, multiple copies of documents, creating unnecessary network traffic, or otherwise damaging Tulane’s reputation. Tulane reserves the right to disable mailboxes that are creating system‐wide problems and notify the appropriate campus IT organization that supports the mailbox owner. 


4.0 Oversight 

Responsibility for developing and updating this policy lies with an Account Entitlement (“Committee”) for Tulane. The Committee is headed by the Chief Information Security Officer who can be reached at (504) 988‐8500. The Committee will be responsible for ensuring appropriate steps should be taken in particular cases and periodically reviewing this policy.